Saturday, November 10, 2012

The Death of Frontlister

Due to my inability to obtain 3,000 to 10,000 users for Frontlister, I have had to shut down the site.

Since the beginning, over 300 people have tried Frontlister. Unfortunately, very few became persistent users of the site.

I still believe that Frontlister is a good concept, and I want to thank everyone who gave it a chance. But the reality is that without a good team of 3,000 to 10,000 consistent users, Frontlister becomes useless. It's like a brand new car with no driver.

Frontlister is gone and I have built a better, more feasible, website. It's called BoolEngine. Unlike Frontlister, BoolEngine isn't designed for everyone. It's a niche website that is meant for the technical community. If you're interested in knowing more, then check it out at
